Mistborn Fan Game (Basic Movement Demo)
Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone! Here is the most recent version of Mistborn Fan Game! Still some minor bugs, but you should be able to play it without any major crashes. Recommended with a controller if you have one, but certainly playable with a keyboard too.
If you're interesting in seeing my progress as I make the game, check out my devlog!
If you're interested in play-testing the pre-alpha build of this game, you can join my discord server and follow the instructions. The link for that is here:
All art is not my own as I was mostly just trying to get some code working:
moon image - @untiedgames
tileset - https://aamatniekss.itch.io/fantasy-forest-pixel-art-tileset
*I will track down the artist for the sprite and add it here, though I made some modifications myself*
Development log
- Video Devlog on YoutubeDec 13, 2020
- Day 3Aug 28, 2020
- Day 2Aug 27, 2020
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This is such a cool idea! This is a dream come true. I think the movement can be improved a little, more intuitive. I dont like how it randomly sticks you to the ceiling and walls. But super epic so far!
thanks, glad you enjoyed it! It was just something fun I made in my spare time which I don’t have much of anymore, hoping we get an official game soon :)
I think it would be a cool feature that if you were pushing on an object and you were around straight up, could press left or right to push off a second anchor and get yourself moving in a direction so you don't have to wait till you tilt enough or drop down to start hopping
Also I found a cool bug that if you are at a 10 ish degree angle and steel push, jump, and hold right, at the same time, once you hit the ground you will do the air tumbling animation and like roll along the ground at steel-push speed. I have been able to do it all along the 2nd level, so its range seems infinite.
Also this game is fun to speedrun.
Thanks! I actually had speed running in mind when I built it (still do!) And yeah, the floor push thing is pretty cool, the range isn’t actually infinite but it’s part of a bug where you’ll keep going in your same direction you’re pushing as long as there is ANY metal around you. I think that could be a pretty fun speedrun hack should anyone decide to take this up ;)
Also, these were great comments. If you’d like to be a part of the alpha play testing, here’s a link to our discord. https://discord.gg/Z22mnUJ7 just follow the instructions once you’re there. Thanks for your feedback!
I'd love to be an alpha tester, however the link is not working, could you resend it or message me it on discord DUTCH_POTATO#2081
sorry about that, this one should work :) https://discord.gg/tbMRMkR54d
This game looks really promising! I'd definitely play it.
Some bugs I've found:
Oh, I figured out the second issue: a coin is dropped if you press up midair. This really isn't intuitive.
Physics works weird if you hold down Z.
thanks so much for your feedback! These are some great notes. I have actually completely reworked a lot of the game and will be releasing a playable build to some alpha testers soon if you’d like to be a part of it. I’ll put the links to everything in the play testing discord in case you’d like to be a part of it. Of note, I appreciate your notes! https://discord.gg/Z22mnUJ7
That z is extremely unfortunate as that can be either in the top or bottom row of a keyboard.
Thanks for the feedback! I’m not familiar with the different keyboards. What would be better controls on your keyboard for future releases?
It's a case of z being in different spots between layouts (querty, qwertz, azerty), most commonly being swapped with y, which is my case. If it can be remapped, then you solved all possible related issues.
Ok that's really good to know. I'm focusing right now on controller stability and I'll come back to remappable controls when I update the keyboard controls again. Thanks for letting me know!
Brandon Sanderson is one of, if not my favourite author of all time! I'm so happy to see a rendition of one of his best stories!
Very interesting mechanics, I'd love to see some combat implementation too! Great work.
That's awesome! Yeah I'm a huge fan as well. Thanks for checking out some of my other stuff!
Didn’t expect a fellow Mistborn fan! good job!
Thanks for trying it out!